The 2nd FAST meeting gathered more than 80 researchers in Software Engineering. We want to thank all of you for your participation and insightful discussions. Together, we reviewed and improved the research plans of 42 doctoral researchers. The next step is to start the implementation of these plans into actual research actions. Looking forward to meet you again in Oulu in February 2025!
2nd FAST Sprint Meeting, Lahti, 4-5.11.2024
The second FAST Sprint Meeting takes place in Lahti on November 4 and 5, 2024. Join us to learn insights from industry, discuss your research plans or next article, and meet other fellow doctoral researchers and supervisors in Software Engineering.
Registration is open until October 18. Check the schedule and registration information here.
Research Showcase
Our 1st FAST Sprint meeting was a roaring success! You can find all the research projects present in our Research Showcase page.
49 doctoral positions in Software Engineering
Finland’s Universities offer 49 paid doctoral positions in the field of Software Engineering
We offer 49 paid doctoral researcher positions in the field of Software Engineering. The positions are part of a major national investment on doctoral training and provide full funding for a period of three years, starting in August 2024. As a doctoral researcher in one of these positions, you will belong to a research network of Finland’s top software engineering researchers from nine different universities
Learn more about our Doctoral Positions