Sanni Marjanen


First semester doctoral researcher of Software and Communications Engineering from University of Jyväskylä. Professional passion for public procurement of IS, and usability of services and technology. Interested in gender bias issues in STEM. Academic experience from abroad, keen interest to research, versatile career background.

Daydreamer, knitter and a lover of long walks and the great outdoors. A big fan of vegan chocolate, cinnamon rolls, and autumn.

Tech nerd (MSc), landscaper (previous career), a non-expert of linguistics and communication (BA), an adventurer (way of life).

Get in touch

Most of the ideas presented in the sections below are on a draft level. I am open to being influenced by conversations sparking new ideas on potential studies and articles, available data sets, unexpected collaborations and new publications. Also open to off-topic chitchat. Do get in touch and share your thoughts!

sanni.e.marjanen at

Drawing of a woman with shoulder-length hair and a yellow jumper holding a camera, somewhat resembling Sanni.

Academic interests

I’m interested in a multitude of software related fields on academic and professional level. During the next three years I attempt to grasp the elusive definition of success in public procurement of information systems, and to study and develop practices or tools to measure success. I’m enthusiastic about user interaction design, developing user-centric solutions, and accessibility and availability within and beyond software development.


software engineering,

information systems,

public procurement of information systems,

success metrics,

in-house companies,

user groups,


user interaction design

Research plans for the next three years

In my doctoral research I look for answers and seek to create solutions that take into account the three main stakeholders in public IS procurement: the vendor, the procurement unit, and the end user. The motif and question guiding the research as a whole is: How to measure success in public procurement of information systems?

Challenges in public procurement of information systems (IS) are well recognised in academic literature and in practice. A successful IS acquisition seems to be out of the ordinary, as an additional layer of challenge is created by the special characteristics of public procurement of information systems (IS), where a complex process meets a complex information system. The definition of success itself is overall murky. Despite several efforts in the research fields of project management, IS, and public procurement, there are no standardised models or methods for measuring success or benefits realisation that would consider the views of various stakeholders and be able to adapt to the changing technological environment with sufficient efficiency.

My work is supervised by professors Samuli Pekkola and Tommi Mikkonen.


  • Examine the state of research in the field.
  • Consider the concept of perceived success in various user groups of public procurement, and explore the possibilities of defining and measuring success in procurement processes.
  • Create a conceptual tool to observe, measure and ensure continued success throughout the life cycle of a public IS procurement process.

Expected contributions

  • Advance practices of public procurement of IS in academia and other sectors of working life.
  • Present new information on a topic that has not been much researched.
  • Potential for improving public procurement culture and creating tools for measuring success of the procurement process.
  • Connect past research and developments in the field, and display the state of the art of public procurement research concentrating on information systems.


My research has started in August 2024. I look to defend my dissertation in summer of 2027 in accordance with the doctoral pilot. I am currently working on identifying the problem at hand and defining motivations to justify my research and the value of the expected contributions and potential solutions.

Lyhyesti kolmannella kotimaisella

Olen vahvasti avoimen tieteen ja julkaisujen saavutettavuuden kannalla, ja maailmankielenä englanti on akatemiassa verraton. Samaan aikaan harmittelen suomen kielen merkityksettömyyttä tutkimuksessa ja ohjelmistoalalla myös työelämässä. Keskustelen asioista ilomielin myös suomeksi. Parhaiten minut saa kiinni sähköpostitse (sanni.e.marjanen at tai LinkedInissä. Tule jutulle!

Olen jatko-opintoja tohtoripilotissa aloitteleva ohjelmistotekniikan väitöskirjatutkija Jyväskylän yliopistosta. Kirjoitin graduni “Tapaustutkimus onnistumisen edellytyksistä julkisissa tietojärjestelmähankinnoissa” (luettavissa JYX-julkaisuarkistossa) keväällä 2024 tietotekniikan oppiaineesta (FM), ja jatkan aiheen parissa tohtoriopinnoissa (FT).

Tutkimuksessani tarkastelen julkisten tietojärjestelmähankintojen onnistumista ja pyrin luomaan aiemman tutkimuksen ja omien (tulevien) löydösteni pohjalta viitekehyksen tai työkalun, jonka avulla onnistumista voidaan tarkastella, mitata ja saavuttaa. Tavoitteeni on suuruudenhullu, mutta jos on mahdollisuudet saada hassu hattu ja miekka, niin miksi en edes kokeilisi?

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This personal space will be kept up to date with periodical updates by yours truly. Page last updated on 6.11.2024.