Ruoyu Su

About me, …


My name is Ruoyu Su, born on August 22nd, 2000. I come from China.

I completed my double Bachelors' degrees in Software Engineering at NJIT (China) and University of Oulu. After that, I completed my Master's degree in Software Engineering at the University of Oulu.

Currently, I am a doctoral researcher at the University of Oulu. My research topic is: Technical Debt and Software Quality in Cloud-Native Applications.

Academic Profile (Experience)

Doctoral Researcher [01/06/2024-Current]

M3S research unit, Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE), Univerisity of Oulu. Supervisor: Valentina Lenarduzzi.

Research Assistant [01/06/2023-31/05/2024]

M3S research unit, Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE), Univerisity of Oulu. Supervisor: Davide Taibi.

Research Interest (Topic)

Technical Debt and Software Quality in Cloud-Native Applications

With the rapid development of cloud computing technologies, cloud-native applications play an increasingly important role in software architecture. However, as applications iterate and evolve, technical debt (TD) can be a critical issue in reducing software quality. Such issues require careful attention and maintenance to solve. My doctoral research aims to investigate the various perspectives of the TDs hidden in cloud-native applications that could possibly influence the quality of the software architecture. The perspectives include the patterns, identification, evaluation, and management strategies of TD in cloud-native applications. This research can help development teams better cope with the challenges posed by TD and improve the quality and maintainability of cloud-native applications on the software architecture.


[1] From Microservice to Monolith: A Multivocal Literature Review Su, R., Li, X., & Taibi, D. (2024). From Microservice to Monolith: A Multivocal Literature Review. Electronics, 13(8), 1452.

[2] Modular Monolith: Is This the Trend in Software Architecture? Su, R., & Li, X. (2024, April). Modular Monolith: Is This the Trend in Software Architecture?. In Proceedings of 2024 IEEE/ACM the 1st International Workshop on New Trends in Software Architecture (pp. 10-13).

[3] Back to the Future: From Microservice to Monolith Su, R., Li, X., & Taibi, D. (2023). Back to the Future: From Microservice to Monolith. The 5th International Conference on Microservices (Microservices 2023).

[4] Technical Debt and Software Quality in Cloud-Native Applications Su, R. (2024, September). Technical Debt and Software Quality in Cloud-Native Applications. In European Conference on Software Architecture (pp. 65-71). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.

[5] 6G Software Engineering: A Systematic Mapping Study (submitted) Su, R., Li, X., & Taibi, D. (2024). 6G Software Engineering: A Systematic Mapping Study. arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.05017.

[6] Metrics and models for developer collaboration analysis in microservice-based systems. A systematic mapping study. Li, X., Abdelfattah, A. S., Su, R., Lee, J., Aponte, E., Koerner, R., ... & Taibi, D. (2023). Metrics and models for developer collaboration analysis in microservice-based systems. A systematic mapping study. In Joint Conference of the International Workshop on Software Measurement (IWSM) and the International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement (MENSURA). CEUR-WS.

[7] A dataset of microservices-based open-source projects Amoroso d'Aragona, D., Bakhtin, A., Li, X., Su, R., Adams, L., Aponte, E., ... & Taibi, D. (2024, April). A dataset of microservices-based open-source projects. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (pp. 504-509).

[8] 6GSoft: Software for Edge-to-Cloud Continuum Akbar, M. A., Esposito, M., Hyrynsalmi, S., Kumar, K. D., Lenarduzzi, V., Li, X., … & Zohaib, M. (2024). 6GSoft: Software for Edge-to-Cloud Continuum. The 50th Euromicro Conference Series on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA) 2024.


[1] SANER 2024. 12/03/2024 – 15/03/2024. Rovaniemi, Finland. Student volunteer at the 31st IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER 2024).

[2] ICSE 2024. 14/04/2024 – 20/04/2024. Lisbon, Portugal. Student volunteer at the 46th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2024).

[3] ECSA 2024. 03/09/2024 - 06/09/2024. Luxembourg, Luxembourg. Student volunteer at the 18th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2024).


[1] ISAPS 2024. International Software Architecture PhD School '24. 21 - 24 May 2024. Leiden, Switzerland.

If you would like to know more about my research, feel very welcome to contact me!